Discover Montana Treasures Book

Welcome to the SINTR® Share – where I spill out my brain to show you the secret strategies, techniques and tricks that we have learned in creating over 500 motion graphics videos over the past decade.

I’m very excited about today’s guest.

It has been difficult to book guests during the pandemic. We got our first one! (canned applause) Yeah.

Safety and remote working for us is and has been a priority the past four years of digital isolation.

Anyway, he is the founder of Best of the NW an online resource to help you and your family get offline.

Best of the NW has created over 227 trail videos for Washington and Montana. And has worked with 5 prominent guidebook authors to create video reviews and trail recommendations from their titles.

He has just announced the next phase of Best of the NW in regional press releases and media outlets.

SINTR® 2020 – Bryan celebrated his 20th year working in the creative field by making a zany video series for his blog and social media. Bryan’s crew filmed Technology Success Story Videos in Colorado, California and Arizona. Hopefully they will be released to the public soon. Bryan continues to explore Montana and Washington trails on foot, ski and mountain bike logging record miles this year. A 50 mile mountaineering trip across Washington’s Picket range was a highlight. Coming face-to-face with a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park was another memorable moment. You can find Bryan’s photography and illustration/animations of out door adventures at:

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

SINTR® Founding Story


We Are Starting a Vlog!